Sunday, November 18, 2012

Moods and a silly poem tacked onto the end

On the Live Journal social media site (where I rarely post anymore), they used to have a list of emoticons - moods - you could attach to each post, I guess if your writing was so ineffective that a reader could not pick up on it from the words themselves.

This got me to thinking about the impact of one's mood at any particular time you set out to write.  At this specific moment, it is sunny and mild outside - as has most of November thus far this year.  Sunny and cool days in Fall always get my word conduit operating at maximum efficiency.  For example, these very words - I opened the blog editor and stared at the screen for about 5 seconds then wrote 'Moods' in the subject box and started to write these words.  Prior to that I had no idea what I would write, only that the conduit was clear and clean and ready for that crazed part of my brain that allows this, whatever it is, to happen.

Let's try a poem out of nowhere before closing  [a rhetorical question]:

Rhetoric to the Rhetoritician
is like magic to the Magician
like politics to the politician
oh if I liked it I would go fishin'
because I don't like any of these ishins
words in my head are my only condition


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