Monday, April 30, 2012

a blog by a madman who thinks he can write

I intend to use this space for random thoughts about writing multimedia, non-linear works - I hesitate to say 'book' as all my writing from this point will be in the eBook format and multimedia. I have photos and videos... and have been playing with Garage band on my iPad to see if I can figure out how to integrate music - or at least appropriate noises - into my writing. At this moment in time I have four projects on the go.... a multimedia experimental fiction work..... a few academic study of religion and society..... and a World Religions text book.... I hope to become skilled using iBooks author as it promises to remove technical barriers to multimedia projects which are primarily text.... For the next little while I will post some thoughts on New Writing that I wrote over the past three years.... elsewhere in a part of cyberspace now vanished... So here goes!


  1. Replies
    1. I just looked at your blog - and followed it - don't worry what others think! Just write. Some will hate your work, some will ignore it, some will love it.... just write.

  2. Thank you. I am new to blogging as you can probably see - and thanks for following.
